Juris Doctor (J.D.), University of British Columbia
Frank is a general practice litigator experienced in a broad variety of disputes, from multi-million dollar fraud trials to traffic ticket disputes. He has represented clients in the BC Provincial Court and the BC Supreme Court, as well as various administrative tribunals such as RoadsafetyBC, Residential Tenancy Branch, and the Human Rights Tribunal.
Frank has successfully represented in all steps of litigation throughout the BC Provincial Court and BC Supreme Court, from filing the initial notice of claim to discovery to interlocutory chambers practice to trial. Frank is also experienced in the art of negotiation and mediation and can often secure satisfactory outcomes while avoiding the expense and stress of trial. Frank’s clients comprise the entire range, including construction companies, individuals, business owners and real estate owners. His clients describe him as friendly, helpful and practical. Frank prides himself in providing timely, dedicated and actionable advice to his clients.
Frank also has significant expertise in criminal matters. Prior to joining Campbell Froh May and Rice, he practiced at a litigation boutique with a busy criminal defense caseload. He has also worked at the Crown Prosecutor’s office in Prince George and has first-hand experience on many aspects of prosecutorial practice. If you are facing a traffic ticket or a criminal charge, Frank’s experience on the other side can help you resolve the issue quickly and discreetly.
Frank is fluent in Mandarin and can be reached by his clients via WeChat.
Frank是一位经验丰富的综合诉讼律师,擅长处理各种纠纷,从数百万加币欺诈案的庭审到简单的超速和手机罚单。他曾代表客户出庭于省法院 (BC Provincial Court) 和高级法院 (BC Supreme Court),以及各种行政庭,如Roadsafety BC, Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) 和Human Rights Tribunal (HRT)。
Frank在诉讼的各个环节都有丰富经验,从提交或回应起诉状到盘问证人再到庭审。Frank在谈判和调解方面也有丰富经验,经常能够在避免庭审的费用和压力的同时达成令人满意的结果 。Frank的客户群涵盖各个领域,包括建筑公司、企业主和房地产业主。他的客户形容他为友善、乐于助人和务实。Frank以向客户提供及时、专注和可行的建议为傲。
Frank在刑事案件方面也有丰富的专业知识。在加入Campbell Froh May & Rice 之前,他在一家繁忙的刑事辩护律师事务所工作。他还曾在Prince George的检察官办公室工作,对检察官官方实践的许多方面有亲身经历。如果您面临交通违章或刑事指控,Frank的指控方工作经验可以帮助您迅速而谨慎地解决问题。
In recent years, Frank has, among other things:
Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyer (British Columbia) Society